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Associated Faculty

Associated Faculty

Martine W. Brownley Headshot
Martine W. Brownley
Goodrich C. White Professor of English;. Eighteenth-century literature; women's studies
Timothy Holland Headshot
Timothy Holland
Assistant Professor, Film & Media
Lynne Huffer Headshot
Lynne Huffer
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor - Philosophy
Claire Nouvet
Associate Professor, French. Medieval French literature and culture; literary and psychoanalytic theory.
Louise Pratt
Professor, Classics. Archaic and Classical Greek Poetry, Ancient Philosophy, Ancient Literary Criticism.
Eric Reinders Headshot
Eric Reinders
Associate Professor, Religion. Chinese religion, iconoclasm, fantasy

Faculty Emeritus

Peter Bing
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor, Classics. Greek poetry, tragedy, comedy, religion and myth; roman comedy; German Literature; ancient literary criticism; Theatrical production of ancient drama
Dalia Judovitz
National Endowment for the Humanities Professor of French amp Italian. Seventeenth-century French philosophy and literature; Aesthetics and literary theory